Use "he is against|he be against" in a sentence

1. 25 He is adept against pace and flourishes against spin.

2. He is invoked against sudden death.

3. He urged that they be devalued against the dollar.

4. He will be matched against Tom in the semifinal.

5. Why is he working against the clock?

6. He then announces that he is running for congress against Sue.

7. In Against Timocrates and Against Aristocrates, he advocated eliminating corruption.

8. He fought energetically against apartheid.

9. He committed blasphemy against religion.

10. He spoke out against mismanagement.

11. He pitted John against Paul.

12. He is adamantly against the practice of circumcision.

13. Is he favorable to or against the proposal?

14. He Argues persuasively against nationalism

15. He leaned against the wall.

16. “Father,” he said, “I have sinned against heaven and against you.

17. He was Admonished against doing wrong

18. He uses Sidao's citizens against him.

19. He rebelled against his puritanical upbringing.

20. "Hush, " he whispered against her hair.

21. He will appeal against his conviction.

22. He has a grudge against me.

23. He failed to struggle against temptation.

24. He leant aslant against the wall.

25. I object against him that he is a hypocrite.

26. He railed against hypocrisy and greed.

27. He propped himself against the gatepost.

28. He is charged with genocide and crimes against humanity.

29. He is a man more sinned against than sinning.

30. He leant Aslant against the wall

31. He protested against the bad treatment.

32. He made an accusation against me.

33. He paddled furiously against the current.

34. He spoke out against racial discrimination.

35. He was leaning against a tree.

36. He turned against his former friends.

37. He said that he was being held against his will.

38. He said he was against returning to old authoritarian ways.

39. He might proceed against the judgment debtor in person; or against his property.

40. Sure, I have a vendetta against him and he has one against me.

41. “Otherwise,” he said, “you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.”

42. To collide against something: His head Bonked against the wall as he fell

43. He told me that the last round would be against the clock.

44. If he says, ‘No, it is not right to pay this tax,’ he can be accused of sedition against Rome.

45. He appealed against his conviction for murder.

46. He whammed his fist against the desk.

47. He braced his foot against the wall.

48. He leaned his back against the wall.

49. He has an uphill battle against rheumatism.

50. He declaimed against the evils of alcohol.

51. He tapped his savingsbox against his thumbnail.

52. He resolved on/against an early start.

53. He clacked the cup against the saucer.

54. He nestled his head against her shoulder.

55. When he reaches the Euphrates River at Thapsacus, he announces that he is marching against Artaxerxes II.

56. He braced his back against the wall.

57. He finally rebelled against his strict upbringing.

58. 3 He leaned elegantly against the door.

59. He pushed her against the wall belligerently.

60. He recriminated against his employers for dismissal.

61. He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation.

62. He ordered a swift Counterattack against the …

63. He plans to appeal against his conviction.

64. He changed from voting against to abstaining.

65. Against all odds, he finished the work.

66. 16 He warned against making hasty decisions.

67. He has an uphill battle against rheumatics.

68. 4 He strongly objected against the decision.

69. He Clinked the fork against a glass

70. No, actually he bet against his son

71. He led a mutiny against the captain.

72. He leveled his accusation against the authorities.

73. He could not beat up against her.

74. He gave a long sermon against abortion.

75. He has a grudge against the world.

76. He will practise against you by poison.

77. He rails against the iniquities of capitalism.

78. He reacted strongly against his religious upbringing.

79. 3 He failed to struggle against temptation.

80. He butted his head against the wall.